Actress Sriya Reddy’s stellar performance in Prashanth Neel’s action-packed movie Salaar has been the talk of the town. Reddy, who essayed the role of Radha Rama Mannar in the film, has been receiving widespread appreciation for her performance. The movie has emerged as one of the biggest hits of 2023, raking in over ₹600 crore at the global box office and is still running successfully in cinemas. In a recent conversation with Republic, Reddy expressed her gratitude for the overwhelming response to her character, stating that she never expected such a monumental success. She credited her ability to bring herself into the character of Radha Rama, making her performance look believable on screen.
Salaar marked Sriya Reddy’s comeback to the big screen after over a decade, and she admitted to being initially hesitant about returning to the cinema. However, director Prashanth Neel convinced her to take on the role, leading to her highly acclaimed performance. The 41-year-old actress also revealed that she has been receiving numerous offers post-Salaar, but she is not in a hurry to sign any projects and is enjoying the success of the film.
Reddy discussed her character in Salaar as “complex”, highlighting the difficulty in portraying a formidable female antagonist in a male-dominated world. She also teased the highly anticipated sequel, Salaar 2 – Shouryaanga Parvam, mentioning that while the script is locked, the shooting for the sequel has not commenced yet.
Furthermore, Sriya shared her excitement for her upcoming project, Pawan Kalyan starrer OG, where she will be portraying a strong female character. She praised Pawan Kalyan’s humble nature and expressed her hope that people appreciate the portrayal of women in a different light in the film.
In conclusion, it’s clear that Sriya Reddy’s performance in Salaar has left a lasting impact on audiences and the industry alike. Her portrayal of a strong female character has garnered praise and attention, setting the stage for her successful comeback to the big screen. With her upcoming projects, it’s evident that Reddy is set to make a strong and impactful presence in the world of cinema.