Actor Paras Bhushan Kalnawat has been making headlines recently for his incredible fitness transformation. The actor, known for his role as Rajveer in the popular show Kundali Bhagya, underwent a physical transformation after shedding 12 kgs to stay fit and promote his onscreen presence. He recently shared his early morning fitness routine, emphasizing his commitment to the show and his dedication to a healthy lifestyle.

Speaking about his transformative journey, Paras expressed the challenges and rewards of his fitness journey. He emphasized the rigorous fitness regime he incorporated into his daily routine, including high-intensity workouts in the gym and a balanced diet. Paras’ dedication to a healthy lifestyle not only helped him achieve his desired fitness goals but also left him feeling more energetic and revitalized.

In addition to his role in Kundali Bhagya, Paras Kalnawat was also featured in the popular show Anupamaa. However, in July 2022, he announced his participation in the dance-based reality show Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 10, which resulted in the termination of his three-year-long contract by Anupamaa’s producer Rajan Shahi. This decision sparked a debate among fans and industry insiders, with some supporting Paras’ decision to explore new opportunities and others criticizing him for being “unprofessional” as the show was scheduled to air on a rival channel.

Opinions on Paras Kalnawat’s career move vary among fans and industry professionals. Some believe that it’s important for artists to explore new opportunities and grow in their careers, while others argue that it’s essential to honor contractual commitments. Regardless of the opinions on the situation, one thing is clear – Paras Kalnawat’s dedication to his fitness and career goals is commendable, and his transformative journey serves as an inspiration to many.

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