Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal recently expressed his admiration for the team of the film 12th Fail, particularly director Vidhu Vinod Chopra and lead actor Vikrant Massey. The actor took to his Instagram stories to share his thoughts on the film, expressing how it had moved him to tears but also left him with a happy heart. Vicky praised the performances in the film, particularly Vikrant Massey’s, and expressed his desire to give him a tight hug for his stellar work.

This is not the first time that 12th Fail has received high praise from within the industry. Prior to Vicky Kaushal, actress Alia Bhatt had also shared her thoughts on the film, calling it a “fresh” watch and highlighting the strong performances of Vikrant Massey and Medha Shankar. The film, which was released in theatres on October 27, has garnered positive reviews from both critics and audiences alike.

12th Fail tells the story of Manoj, a young boy from a small town who is determined to pass his 12th-grade exams after multiple failed attempts. The film is a coming-of-age drama that explores themes of perseverance, hope, and the importance of education. With standout performances from Vikrant Massey and Medha Shankar, the film has struck a chord with viewers for its emotional depth and relatable storytelling.

In a time when Bollywood is often criticized for its lack of originality and reliance on formulaic storytelling, 12th Fail stands out as a breath of fresh air. The film has been praised for its engaging narrative and compelling performances, proving that there is still room for unique and heartfelt storytelling in the industry.

As the film continues to receive praise from industry insiders and audiences alike, it is clear that 12th Fail has succeeded in making a significant impact. Its uplifting message and powerful performances have resonated with viewers, solidifying its place as a standout film of the year.

Opinion: The positive feedback and admiration from industry stalwarts like Vicky Kaushal and Alia Bhatt further cement the impact and importance of 12th Fail in Bollywood. Their praise signifies the film’s ability to connect with audiences on an emotional level and highlights the exceptional performances of the cast.

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