Singer-actor Selena Gomez has once again made waves on social media, this time by embracing body positivity on her Instagram account. The star shared a series of candid photos showcasing her body over the years, promoting a message of self-love and acceptance to her followers. In a world where unrealistic beauty standards often prevail, Gomez’s openness and honesty about her own body image struggles are a breath of fresh air.
In the first Instagram story, Gomez posted a throwback picture in a zebra bikini, expressing the realization that her body has changed over time. She followed it up with a more recent image in a black high-waisted bikini, emphasizing self-acceptance with a caption stating, “I’m not perfect, but I am proud to be who I am… Sometimes I forget it’s ok to be me.” This message of embracing imperfections and being proud of one’s unique self is resonating with her fans and followers.
Gomez has been no stranger to addressing body image issues in the past. In April 2022, she confronted body-shamers in a TikTok video, asserting that she is perfect just the way she is. Following comments about her appearance after the 80th Golden Globes in January 2023, she playfully discussed her body with her younger sister in an Instagram Live video, embracing her post-holiday self.
The singer’s journey to self-love and acceptance has been compounded by her health struggles. Having undergone a kidney transplant in 2017 due to complications from lupus, Gomez has been open about how her health journey has affected her body image perception. She has emphasized the impact of her lupus, combined with necessary medication, on her weight fluctuations. Despite facing criticism and body-shaming, Gomez continues to promote self-love and body positivity through her social media platforms, encouraging others to embrace their uniqueness.
In the opinion of many, Gomez’s candidness and willingness to share her struggles with body image and health issues are empowering and inspiring. By being open about her own journey, she is helping others feel more confident in their own skin and encouraging a more inclusive and accepting society.