Renowned filmmaker Rohit Shetty has recently voiced concerns about the potential misuse of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and called for strict laws to regulate its application. In an interview with ANI, Shetty highlighted the inevitability of AI’s integration into various aspects of our lives and doubled down on sentiments expressed by tech entrepreneur Elon Musk. Acknowledging the potential dangers, Shetty urged caution in the use of AI. He emphasized the need for stringent regulations, stating, “No one can stop anyone using AI, it will definitely come but it will also be risky. Strict laws should be made regarding AI, otherwise, it is going to be very scary, not just for films but on a national level. For a country, it can be very dangerous.”
The discussion on AI’s misuse gained prominence with the rise of deep fakes, AI-generated content that can be deceptively realistic. Actress Rashmika Mandanna’s recent deepfake case took the internet by storm and raised massive concerns about the threats caused by AI. On January 20, the prime accused in Rashmika’s case was arrested from Andhra Pradesh. The case has brought to light the potential dangers of AI in the entertainment industry and beyond.
When queried about incorporating AI into stunt scenes in his movies, Shetty revealed his recent adoption of the technology for face replacements, stating, “Like the stunt guy whose physique is almost like your hero or heroine and for the risky shots you do the face replacement with your actor. Then we scan the actor’s face and do it and everybody is doing it now.” This revelation underscores the increasing use of AI in film production and the potential for misuse.
The use of AI in creating deepfake videos has raised concerns about the potential for spreading misinformation and manipulation. The recent incident involving cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar falling victim to a deepfake video promoting an app has underscored the need for awareness about such manipulative practices.
As debates surrounding the regulation of AI continue, it is clear that the widespread use of this technology has the potential to pose serious risks. It is essential for policymakers and industry leaders to address these concerns and work towards implementing measures to prevent the misuse of AI.