Celebrity couple Rishab Shetty and Pragathi Shetty have been extended a personal invite to attend the Pran Pratishtha ceremony for the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. Prior to their trip to Ayodhya, the couple visited a Hanuman temple and shared a picture from their visit on Instagram. This visit comes as part of the couple’s religious pursuits, as they often share glimpses of their spiritual activities on social media. Rishab Shetty also received an official invite for the historic ceremony and expressed his honor and gratitude for being offered the opportunity to witness the event.
The couple’s visit to the Hanuman temple was captured in a picture shared on their Instagram handles, showing them smiling as they stood against the temple. The caption to their post included a translation that read, “Before the celebration of Sri Rama’s life establishment, Darshan of Hanuman…” This indicates the couple’s reverence and devotion to the deities in the Hindu religion.
Rishab Shetty, in his social media post, expressed his belief that he has been summoned to Ayodhya by Lord Ram himself. He shared a picture of himself being handed the invite to the ceremony and added a heartfelt note expressing his gratitude for the opportunity. He stated, “We grew up following the ancient practice of chanting Rama’s name, embracing his love, and listening to stories of his remarkable life from our elders. Today, Sri Rama has summoned me to Ayodhya, where he once played and ruled as a king during his childhood. I’m grateful for this opportunity. Jai Shri Ram.”
Overall, the couple’s visit to the Hanuman temple and their upcoming attendance at the Pran Pratishtha ceremony for the Ram Mandir showcase their deep connection to their faith and their reverence for Lord Rama. Their spiritual pursuits and the honor they feel in being invited to the historic event in Ayodhya serve as a reflection of their devout beliefs. The couple’s dedication to their religious practices is evident through their social media posts, and their upcoming presence at the ceremony is a significant moment for them as well as for the community.