Indian actress Parvathy recently took to social media to commend Hollywood actor Ryan Gosling for speaking out against the Oscar snub of Barbie. Gosling, who received a nomination in the Best Supporting Actor category for his role in the film portraying Ken, expressed his discontent over the omission of director Greta Gerwig and actor Margot Robbie from the nominations. In a statement, he emphasized the integral role played by Gerwig and Robbie in the success of the film, stating, “There is no Ken without Barbie, and there is no Barbie movie without Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie, the two people most responsible for this history-making, globally-celebrated film.” This sentiment resonated with Parvathy, who shared Gosling’s words on her Instagram Story.

Expressing her feelings, Parvathy highlighted the absence of such advocates in India, stating, “This made me ache because there are no Ryan Goslings here. Here, no matter the talent, no matter the contribution–woman who speak up and know their value will be avoided like plague. Replaced with ‘less problematic people.’ But I am happy some woman knows what it’s like to have allies who use their power and voice to elevate those who are truly deserving.” Parvathy’s statements shed light on the challenges faced by women in the Indian showbiz industry and the lack of vocal supporters like Gosling.

Parvathy has been vocal about her experiences in the industry, speaking up about being labelled a ‘difficult person to work with’ due to her commitment to standing up for herself. Her stance has drawn praise from singer Chinmayi Sripadaa, who acknowledged her as “the hero we all need and deserve.” Parvathy’s remarks have sparked a conversation surrounding the treatment of women in the entertainment industry and the importance of allies who use their platforms to elevate deserving individuals.

The exchange between Ryan Gosling and Parvathy highlights the impact of allies in advocating for underrepresented voices in the entertainment industry, and serves as a call to action for more individuals to use their influence to uplift and support those who have been marginalized.

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