Indian cinema veterans Vyjayantimala and Chiranjeevi have been honored with the prestigious Padma Vibhushan award, the second-highest civilian honor in India. The announcement of the awards was made on January 25, on the eve of Republic Day. The Padma Vibhushan is awarded for exceptional and distinguished service and is a recognition of the recipients’ contributions to their respective fields.
Vyjayantimala, known for her exemplary acting skills, starred in numerous classic films from the 1950s and 1960s, including “Devdas,” “Naya Daur,” “Sadhna,” and “Gunga Jumna.” Her talent and dedication to Indian cinema have earned her the honor of Padma Shri in 1968. Meanwhile, Chiranjeevi, with a career spanning 45 years, has established himself as a leading star in Telugu cinema, earning the title of “megastar” in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. He is renowned for his exceptional acting and dancing skills, captivating audiences with his performances.
Upon learning of the honor, Chiranjeevi expressed his gratitude in a video shared on his social media handles. He conveyed his overwhelming emotions, expressing his gratitude to the audience, friends, and family for their unconditional love and support throughout his career. Chiranjeevi also thanked the government of India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for bestowing the Padma Vibhushan upon him.
The Padma Vibhushan award is a testament to the significant impact Vyjayantimala and Chiranjeevi have had on Indian cinema, inspiring generations of actors and filmmakers. Their contributions have not only enriched the artistic landscape of the industry but have also left a lasting legacy that continues to resonate with audiences.
Opinion: This recognition of Vyjayantimala and Chiranjeevi with the Padma Vibhushan award is a well-deserved honor for their exceptional contributions to Indian cinema. Their dedication and talent have left an indelible mark on the industry, and this recognition serves as a reminder of their enduring impact on the artistic and cultural heritage of India.