Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana recently took a trip down memory lane as a viral video of his audition for a singing reality show from his struggling days resurfaced online. The video features Ayushmann and his brother Aparshakti Khurana auditioning for the popular show Channel V popstars, showcasing their singing skills in front of the jury members Palash Sen, Mehnaaz, and Purabh Kohli.

Reacting to the clip, Ayushmann expressed his gratitude for the journey, stating, “Yahan se shuruaat hui thii (This was the beginning). Sapne dekhne ka haq har kisi ko hai (Everybody has the right to dream). Lesson from personal experience- not to undermine anyone’s human potential.” Aparshakti also shared the video on his social media handle, reminiscing about their struggling days before entering the entertainment industry.

The viral audition tape portrays the Khurrana brothers singing one line each of ‘Koi Kahe Kehta Rahe’ from the popular movie Dil Chahta Hai in front of the judges, followed by their excitement after getting selected for the show. The video has garnered attention from fans who were amazed to see the brothers in their earlier avatar, looking unrecognisable from their current persona in the industry.

In addition to the viral audition video, it has been reported that Ayushmann Khurrana has been signed to star in an upcoming biopic. The biopic subject in question is none other than cricketing legend Saurav Ganguly. Ayushmann is expected to undergo a rigorous fitness routine to achieve the right look for portraying a sportsman. However, the actor has not confirmed the news of his role in the biopic.

The video and the news about the biopic have sparked discussions among fans, with many expressing admiration for the Khurrana brothers’ journey from their struggling days to becoming successful actors in Bollywood. The clip serves as an inspiration, showcasing that hard work, determination, and the right opportunity can lead to success in the entertainment industry.

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